For those that are new here, I am Susan, the Menopause Queen, or shall I say Menopause Survivor. No, I will say Menopause THRIVER! I am about to share my crazy menopause story and how it will help you.
From Menopause Surviving to Thriving
(My Crazy Menopause Story) and How It Will Help You!
Menopause, what a dreaded word, huh? Well, let me just tell you, I am super excited for the next level that my business is taking me. And that means awesome changes that affect you too! This poor blog has been neglected long enough and from now on I will be giving you BOATLOADS of free support, help, and info over here specifically for you!
So let me take a sec to reintroduce myself and share my crazy story a bit more…
Who am I and what gives me the authority to share my menopause story with you?
- I am a health coach, Christian life coach, and I work with women experiencing perimenopause, menopause or just the journey of hormone health.
- I am an early onset survivor, starting perimenopause at 36 and being done by 44.
- I was told I was crazy, too young to be in menopause, everything was normal.
- I was told I needed to try harder.
Have you heard any of those things?
YOU ARE NOT CRAZY! Those things you are experiencing now…
hot flashes
mood swings
weight gain
night sweats
headaches or migraines
and so much more.
I gained almost 60 lbs in the first year, which was alarming to me because I had never had weight issues before! But, now it came on like a pound a day! It was beyond anything I could have imagined.
The mood swings? I was having to ask myself, “Who ARE you?” “Who are YOU?” Because I just couldn’t believe you could swing like that!
I went from OBGYN to OBGYN because they all say they are menopause experts. I was searching and hoping for help with my hormones that were totally out of control. And again I would get, “Honey, you are not there. You are not in menopause.” I could not get help anywhere.
Can you relate to my menopause story?
I am here to tell you–YOU ARE NOT CRAZY! If you feel there is a hormone imbalance with you-there probably is! Listen to your body.
Another issue was, I was never able to take any kind of birth control pill etc. because my body is super sensitive and doesn’t like medications at all. So Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was not an option for me. So I tried the bioidentical route. These are hormones taken naturally from bovine or other sources. But, my body did not react well and even made things worse.
With such limited options, I knew my only option was the natural route, but I needed an expert to help me navigate that. Thus, my journey began into essential oils and home remedies. I finally found an OBGYN through a referral on Facebook, who agreed with my plan and did the right type of labs for me. I didn’t even know there was a “wrong” type of lab work you could do! She spent hours of time with me and was wonderful! What a comfort to know I was not crazy!
Here are a few of the major changes I employed that put me on the path of healing with my hormones that makes this menopause story a happy one.
Essential oils, herbs and remedies (Get my free resource TOP TEN ESSENTIAL OILS.)
Sleep (I was waking up with hot flashes. Did you know that night sweats and hot flashes are two different things?)
Exercise (I didn’t have to increase my exercise, but decrease. Did you know you can actually OVER exercise? But, that’s for another post.) Weight loss when you are going through this hormone journey is not the same as you often hear. It’s not necessarily what we always hear about with decreasing your calories and increasing your activity.
I have great respect for the medical field and there are times when medication is definitely necessary. (My sister is an RN and I have such thankfulness for these things.) But, in my case and some other women, the natural approach is very effective.
I do not want you to have to go down the same path as I did, to suffer the same way I did. And so, I am super excited to help you in every way I can! I have ten or twelve years of research in my brain that I am looking forward to passing on to you.
Can you relate to my menopause story? Send me a message sharing about it. I LOVE connecting with others that have been on similar journeys!
Grab my free guide: TOP TEN ESSENTIAL OILS
Susan Orewhosky, Author and Coach
Helping YOU create a healthy and thriving life!