Yeast Infections, Candida Overgrowth and Gluten Sensitivity

Culprits in the downfall of emotions during menopause

leaf-300Are you a woman over 40 who suddenly is experience yeast infections more than you ever have before?
During menopause our bodies start to shift into a more protective mode and one of the symptoms for women in menopause can be an increase in what has been name “Yeast Infections” but more specifically defined this is an over growth of a bacteria called candida.

The symptoms can range from intense itching in the female area and rectum to dry mouth and a whitish substance on the tongue. While this doesn’t paint a beautiful picture it is the truth. Candida overgrowth is an uncomfortable condition where the PH balance is shifting to dangerous levels of acidity. Alkalinity and Acidity are too words you will want to learn more about in your quest to have a more balanced life.
Type II diabetics are very prone to developing candida over growth because there is too much glucose in the blood and not enough glucose in cellular structure being burned off. Candida is the direct result of a PH imbalance often associated with too much glucose. Another possible culprit that causes inflammatory reaction in the body is the presence of too much gluten. For years the food pyramid but bread and grains as the foundation of a healthy diet, yet millions of women were suffering enormously with yeast infections and menopausal symptoms that were physically unbearable.
Did you know that a yeast infection or candida overgrowth is just like making bread? Have you ever noticed that bread seems to be alive when you are making it? Watch as someone makes biscuits for example. They will set aside the dough and in a few minutes, when the air has hit it, what happens? POOF the dough balls have expanded in size to nearly double their original size. This is because the yeast is activating and yeast when activated causes reproduction and swelling.
Reading it in this fashion should paint for you a picture of why it is crucial that if you are a woman between 40 – 60 it is time to reduce your bread intake, even if you think you can’t live without that daily biscuit. Yeast is an active food. Gluten is just a tiny part of this chemical reaction. Recent research has attached too much gluten in the body with Alzheimer’s disease and the youth disease we know as Attention Deficit Disorder. Very simply put the grains that form the foundation of most bread, when at their natural state (aka just picked from the ground) are more of a fiber than an active yeast, but never the less, are still a yeast. However our modern diet is one of convenience and speed.
If you have migraines during menopause, try reducing your bread and getting your grain from fresh oats, veggies and granola rather than biscuits, white bread and starchy rice. Those moments of intense itching, discomfort and headaches will subside then you will know you have made a smart decision.

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