Time Management and Stress

Time Management and Stress

Time Management and Stress.  What do the two have to do with each other? I will show you a bit more clearly. We face “time stress” when we have too much to do, We face stress when we don’t have enough time for the important things, when we fail to do what we hoped because we ran out of time, when we are late, and when we hurt other’s feelings with no time for them.  We get up stressed in the morning because our day already has defeated us before we ever begin.  We already know the only outcome is failure.  On those days, we also make it worse by picking a fight with a family member, being crabby, fussing, screaming, and becoming negative.  This adds more stress and takes more time during the day because we certainly didn’t schedule in the time it takes to be grouchy and at odds with others.  At night, we go to bed seeing in our minds the huge list of what we really needed or wanted to do that didn’t get touched!  Yes, usually on that list are the things necessary for hitting our goals and working towards our freedom.

Does any of this sound familiar?  Is this your life? Do you want to make some changes? Time management and stress are interconnected for sure!

As you are working on your schedule, consider the following.  I am not a big fan of time blocks now that I am not working in a J.O.B.  With that said, I can also see the importance of using time blocks for short periods to get things accomplished.  But you have to find out what works for you and then apply.  So try a time block or other time management systems until you find the one that speaks to you.

Schedule IN the critical.  Everything you allow IN must be a priority or a matter of high importance!  There is a competition for the hours in your schedule so think protectively over your time.

  • God
  • Spouse and Children
  • Showering/Brushing Teeth
  • Taking me time
  • Sleep
  • Meals
  • Exercise
  • Your business or JOB

Schedule OUT the time wasters. The minute you identify a time waster, eliminate it as quickly as possible. Nothing is worse than a time waster sucking your energy out!

  • Conflict (What a huge waste of time and energy! This is of the enemy so pray on this if consistent)
  • Unnecessary computer or TV time (a little goes a long way, add up how many hours you waste)
  • Game playing on phone or technology devices (Add up hours each day then in a week)
  • Gossip
  • Clubs & groups that have nothing to do with your Purpose or Goals (unless you joined them to enlarge your network or increase your influence or to explore new things to add to your life or family.)
  • Oversleeping or under – sleeping (both are detrimental to your health)
  • “Hanging out” habit (the habit of doing nothing for hours with others or by yourself)  

Delegation – Whenever possible, team up on chores, management, administrative, errands, etc.  Spend time with your spouse, family, friends, or team and design a plan that will allow everyone to use synergy to dig out extra hours for building a Live Free life. This can also be a family building time exercise.

Multi-Task – Look at the times during your day where multitasking would be possible and valuable.  If you are working at a J.O.B. and you have a lunch 30 minutes or 60 minutes, this is a perfect opportunity for multi-tasking.  You can take a nutritional shake (hand blenders work well in the office) to work and make calls while you sit outside in the sun and have your lunch.  It’s a power lunch full of energy, fresh air, and sunshine.  Maybe you need this time to talk with your spouse every day for connection in the marriage. 

Make it Count – Enjoy and be “in the moment”!  Do NOT think about the millions of other things you should be doing or where you should be at that time.  If it was important enough to find a place in your schedule, then it’s important enough for your undivided attention.  This is huge for say date night or family time.  Be present and make it count for the other person/people to know how important this is.

I hope this has been helpful in not only showing you what time management and stress have to do with each other but also some helpful tips to help you as well.

I help others overcome their limiting beliefs that are keeping them stuck, broke, and unhealthy to create balance, time freedom, and healthy lives.

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