CBD oil is really getting the attention these days.  So what are the reasons to use CBD Oil? In today’s post, we are specifically answering this question.  Stay tuned as I give you 9 reasons to use CBD Oil. Plus learn a little about my husband’s experience with it.

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In our last post, we went over the difference between CBD oils. We covered how CBD oil is unlike THC. THC is the main constituent in cannabis. But, cannabinoid doesn’t include the intoxicating effects, so you’re not going to get high from CBD oil. Instead, it has a calming and relaxing effect from it. This is why it makes it so useful for sleeping issues. I also mentioned how we’ve tried both the isolate and also the full-spectrum. Mike does very well on the full-spectrum. I have to do the isolate because the full-spectrum is too much for my little sensitive system. Mike is using it for all of the issues that are coming along with the diastolic heart failure, such as inflammation, the joint pain, and all of those different things that are happening with him. That’s the reason why we’re doing the CBD. For me, as an early onset menopause survivor, I have just a few leftover “power surges,” especially at night time. I also have some bone loss going on. I counter that with some essential oils and some herbs. I also take the Calcium D3 with the K2. So what is CBD oil doing for the body? It works with your receptors through the body, which actually helps the endocannabinoid system stay in balance.

Nine reasons you should use CBD oil.

Studies are showing some real positive effects from using CBD oil on these things…


1. Eases Discomfort and pain

My husband has major pain coming on from the surgery in the thigh area, where the seroma was. By the end of the day, he was actually having a hard time functioning; it hurt that bad. And it was coming up his right side, and it was just overwhelming. CBD oil has substantially almost taken that away.

2.  Helps with Movement Disorders

3.  Can decrease mood swings and feelings of sadness

4. Can help with bipolar

We have a lot of bipolar in our family, and there are some nasty side effects to some of that medication, some of the medicines that are out there. Not that they’re not effective, but there are just some massive side effects to them. CBD oil can be an alternative, and again, it is something that you have to try along with your medications and also with your physician. Don’t just come off of your prescription and do CBD oil, that’s not how it works. If you’re trying CBD, you have to try it along with your medications, wean off, and work with your physician to do that.

5. Helps with Addictions

CBD oil also may help in fighting addictions, especially heroin addiction and smoking. They’re finding that too, that it’s actually helping with the smoking as well.

6. Reduces inflammation

This is the number one thing that we’re using it for is inflammation, for Mike especially. Inflammation throughout his entire body. 6. CBD may help with anti-cancer effects.

7. CBD oil may help reduce seizures

My cousin uses this for her daughter who has seizures, and she has seen very positive results from it.

8. CBD oil may promote cardiovascular health. This is another thing that we’re using it for again, for Mike’s heart failure. His E-fraction numbers went from 60 down to 45-50. We’re waiting to do the next stress test to see where those numbers are because that’s really how they’re gauging how much the heart is hardening. The last time, there was very little movement, and we’re looking to see minimal movement again.

NOTE: There are a lot of different types of CBD that you can be doing. There are CBD tinctures, CBD capsules, powders, topicals, and there are CBD edibles. There is the vape oil that is coming out. I’m not crazy about the vape oil, but I don’t know, I’ve heard different things about it.

9. CBD oil may help your pets

There is also CBD for animals as well, for your pets, especially dogs and cats. I am going to do a video in the future on that to tell you how to use them in the doses because it’s a little different. People start with a low dose. Five drops in the morning, five drops in the evening, and then we increase incrementally until we find the right dosage that works for us. But with animals, it is based on weight. So I will cover that another time.

To reiterate what I said before: I really implore you to really do your research. Or, you can just come to me, and I will help you out with that. Right now there isn’t regulation. So I’ve heard people say, “Well I just go to the smoke shop and get it.” No! Do not do that. Do not go to your grocery store and buy essential oils. You get what you pay for. You’re putting them into your body, and then you’re saying, “Hey it doesn’t work. This stuff doesn’t work. I don’t know what people are talking about.” Actually, it does work if you’re using the right brand and you’re using the purest and most organic ones out there. If you want to take a look at the company that I now recommend and endorse and share you can also get a free sample.  You won’t be disappointed!

I hope that this list of 9 Reasons to use CBD oil will be helpful for you and that you might find benefit with your symptoms. Have you tried CBD oil? What is your experience with it?  What has it helped you with? Share with me!


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