Hormones.  Love them?  Hate Them?  I tell you going through hormone fluctuations especially in the menopause or perimenopause time can be especially trying.  Stick around because I am going to share with you some essential oils for hormone bliss. 

Are you new here?  Welcome! Join me on my Facebook page for my live tips, amazing free content and the ability to ask questions interactively as I walk you through natural helps with the fluctuating hormones associated with Perimenopause, Menopause and Beyond. Read my story as a menopause survivor yes, and thriver! And of course, check out my many free resources.

5 things to address with essential oils for hormone bliss!

As I shared before, I am an early onset menopause survivor.  After trial and error, I found I could not use any hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or even bioidentical therapies.  So I had to reach deeper to find health through lifestyle changes, toning down my exercise (yes, you can overexercise!) and changing my nutritional eating plan. Another huge help for me was utilizing herbs, natural remedies, and especially essential oils. Through my research and love of learning, I became certified in essential oils so I could help myself as well as others.

There are many opinions as to the best essential oils.   A word of caution: DO NOT buy essential oils from the grocery store!  Also, do not even trust essential oils from the Vitamin Shoppe.  You need to be sure your oils are a really good therapeutic grade brand. I personally love DoTerra Essential Oils. 


#1 thing to address with essential oils for hormone bliss:

-Get a really good overall multivitamin.


My favorite is the Lifelong Vitality Pack. This pack is so full of great nutrients and foundational essential ingredients!


#2 thing to address with essential oils for hormone bliss:

– Get help so that you can attain sound sleep.


So often in menopause sleeping issues are huge. I didn’t have night sweats but did have hot flashes.  Covers on, covers off.  Tossing and turning and before too long you are exhausted. Sleep is absolutely foundational.

Serenity Soft Gels is a fantastic product for sleep.  I love to use the roll-on.


#3 thing to address with essential oils for hormone bliss:

– Balance those hormones and take care of your bones!


I love the Women’s Health Kit which includes:

Phytoestrogen Essential Complex

Bone Nutrient Essential complex

Clary Calm

I used ALL of the above and still use the Bone Nutrient currently because during perimenopause and menopause have to be careful of bone density.

This Cleanse and Restore Kit is so fantastic for hormone balancing and has MANY of the products I am suggesting already in it!


#4 thing to address with essential oils for hormone bliss:

– Use help for the weight that often accompanies this menopause season.


The Slim and Sassy Metabolic products are AMAZING!

The Trimshakes, are super yummy and the Trim Kit pulls it all together into a great system.

These things help with the appetite control and also gives the nutrients and minerals to balance out the body.

TerraGreens are awesome! You can add them to the shakes (but I love it plain!)


#5 thing to address with essential oils for hormone bliss:

– Continue working on your gut health.


As we have already talked about, gut health is so important in balancing the hormones. This is why addressing your nutritional plan is so important with your food choices but in addition, these digestion support products are amazing.

PB assist is such a good probiotic!

DigestZen is fantastic for you especially if you are going gluten free, dairy free or need extra help with tummy issues.


Since we are all unique it will take some experimenting with your essential oils and what helps you the most to attain hormone bliss.

Are you looking to utilize EOs into your lifestyle? I would love to help you more and chat with you!

When I was on this journey there was NO ONE to talk to!  I felt so alone. As a result, I  want to make it easy for other women to get the support they need through this process. This is a journey we all take whether early, on-time or late. and I want you to give you the best experience possible, as we embrace these seasons.





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