by Susan Orehowsky | | All Posts for Blog Page, Menopause Health, Weight Loss
Hmmm…where do I start? I was just turning 36 years old and I noticed that things were changing in my body. I really never experienced PMS, cramps, headaches or other symptoms that most women experience with their cycles. My sister had the opposite of me from the...
by Susan Orehowsky | | All Posts for Blog Page, Holistic Health
We all know that lack of sleep makes you cranky and irritable. It can also make you obese. I am a person who likes her sleep. I sleep 7-8 hours every night. There are many studies out there on sleep and perimenopause and menopause. Here are some of the...
by Susan Orehowsky | | All Posts for Blog Page, Holistic Health
Is there a way to balance hormones naturally? Yes! There is! The most obvious way to balance hormones naturally and control cortisol is to reduce stress. That’s easier said than done for most of us. You can’t just press an “OFF” button on your life! But there are...
by Susan Orehowsky | | All Posts for Blog Page, Holistic Health
So I am sitting in front of my computer and thinking hmmm what shall I write about for my blog this week? I have been blogging about menopause and some of the signs and symptoms for about two or three years now. What I realized though is that it was just information...
by Susan Orehowsky | | All Posts for Blog Page, Menopause Health
In this day and age, unfortunately, the first step to the approach of perimenopausal symptoms such as mood swings, anger, and irritability is to prescribe something to soothe us and make us feel better. I would love to hear from my doctor, “what is out of...