Hormone imbalance can happen at any time, not just during menopause.  As you remember I am an early onset menopause survivor and I gained 55 or 60 pounds within a years time. It felt like a pound a day! I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing and yet still gaining at an alarming rate.

As I shared in my last post, that I had gone to Dr. after Dr. hoping for answers.  I was told I was crazy and no one could help me. When I finally found the expert that understood my situation, what a relief it was. I learned more clearly how important nutrition really is when it comes to hormonal imbalance.  Lifestyle changes were paramount.  Notice I said lifestyle changes with my nutrition, not a diet.

I learned I had sensitivities to certain foods I wasn’t even aware of that were contributing to my hormone imbalance.

Here is a list of 8 foods that can add to hormone imbalance that I had to remove from my diet.

  • Gluten

  • Dairy

  • Peanuts

  • Eggs

  • Corn

  • Soy

  • Sugar

  • Artificial Sweeteners

I changed my eating and removed these foods. I did this completely from my nutrition plan and I cannot tell you how wonderful the results were.  By removing these foods, you also might find a huge difference in how you feel if you are struggling with hormone imbalance. This doesn’t mean you can never have any of these foods again.  In fact, I was able to add back in both eggs and occasionally peanuts if I eat them organic.

Let’s talk briefly about 3 of those foods.

  • Did you know, sugar is like cocaine, it is a true addiction?  When you remove this from your diet you will feel AMAZING.  Sugar is huge when it comes to hormone imbalance.
  • Gluten is a culprit for inflammation and many people have a sensitivity to it and are not aware of it. As the ovarian output of sex hormones drop, the resulting hormone imbalance is worsened by consumption of gluten. The adrenal glands respond to the stress of unstable blood sugar and the resulting GI tract inflammation caused by gluten increases your cortisol. This, in turn, causes increased body fat, fatigue, and unstable moods.
  • Artificial sweeteners are often worse than regular sugar.  The only one that I use and recommend is raw stevia.  Do not use the powder, but the stevia drops and be sure it is raw.  Also, fruits in their natural form are sweet themselves and can satisfy your sweet tooth.

Pay attention to your body. Interestingly, I had a sensitivity to blueberries (I had an anaphylactic reaction that sent me to the ER). This flared only when I hit menopause and not before, so you can see how our bodies can change drastically during these times of hormone imbalance. Recently, I didn’t react as badly to blueberries as I did 12 years ago but now other berries are bothering me, so be sure to watch your body continuously throughout your hormone shifts.  Bloating and gassiness can be a sign that your body is sensitive.  Keeping a food journey can help you figure out your own sensitivities.

Organic foods are best but often expensive.  Finding coupons and shopping around can help. Shopping at a farmers market is even better because you are sure of where your food is coming from.  Sadly, there can be organic claims on packaging that may give false information so you could be paying more for a product that is not truly organic.

Sometimes even with your food changes, you need to use a program to help you lose weight.  I did need that extra boost for my weight loss, I lost 68 lbs and 28″ in 5 1/2 months.  I kept that off for 4 years. Through life stressors with my husband’s health and my father’s death, I did put some back on through stress-eating.  This happens!  We are moms, we are caregivers and it’s life! Don’t be too hard on yourself if a few pounds come back on. Sometimes we forget about us and we need to take a step back and care for ourselves.  If you don’t take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others.  

I’d love to share more with you about meal plans, logistical helps for your own hormone imbalance.  Also if you would like more information about the program I used to lose my weight or have any other questions, I would love to chat with you.  I offer a free 30-minute consult! Contact me to schedule one.

You are not alone.  You are not crazy.  You can get through this journey and you can get through hormone imbalance naturally if you want to!

8 foods that can add to hormone imbalance

What foods have you found you are most sensitive too that could be aggravating your hormone imbalance?  Comment and let me know!

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Susan Orewhosky, Author and Coach
Helping YOU create a healthy and thriving life!

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