Cellulite!  That dreaded stuff!  Do you struggle with it?  If so stick around because I am going to share with you 11 Essential Oils to Help you with Cellulite! 

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Cellulite is really a big problem for women, and a lot of women have it. I personally know a lot of women that have issues with it. So let’s get started.

What is cellulite? Cellulite is that clumpy stuff that you find on your legs, on your butt, and around the midsection. It can be in the arms, too. Usually, it’s from poor diet, but it can also be from fad dieting or yo-yo dieting which in turn creates a slow metabolism for women. It can also be from dehydration, lack of exercise, hormone changes, and the total body fat. So there are several reasons you could be dealing with it.

Thankfully, there are lots of choices that you can do for cellulite. And essential oils are one of the tools in your toolkit.

These are some essential oils that will help along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and making sure you are hydrated. Keep in mind this is not a quick fix, this is not going to melt the cellulite off of your body or any of that kind of thing, but it is going to be helping with it.


1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is an awesome oil! Grapefruit is also a mood booster, so that’s a plus there, too, especially if you have mood swings.


2. Cedarwood

Cedarwood helps with cellulite, but also, cedarwood is also great for sleeping. That is definitely a favorite of mine, I love cedarwood.


3. Lemongrass

I use lemongrass, especially in the springtime. You can do lemongrass and purify in your diffuser.


4. Juniper berry

I love juniper berry. Juniper berry is a diuretic and helps with kidney support, as well.


5. Geranium oil

Geranium oil is diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and hormone balancing!


6. Rosemary

Not only is this good for cellulite but rosemary is also great for the hair!


7. Lavender

Lavender is perfect for burns of any kind! Lavender helps with stress, headaches, and also it is fantastic for sleeping


8. Mandarin

Mandarin is orange but a different form of orange. There’s wild orange, and then there’s mandarin. Mandarin is a mood booster and can help with insomnia.


9. Cypress

Cypress is awesome. Cypress also can help with circulation and blood flow.


10. Fennel

Though fennel is great for menopause and hormones, I am not a big fan of the smell. But for women that are especially in the perimenopause, menopause journey, this is great for their hormones.


11. Lemon

Lemon is a remarkable oil. It has cleansing toxins, stimulates the lymphatic drainage system, and it smells really, really good. So sometimes I just do lemon just for the benefit of doing lemon. Sometimes I just wear it for perfume!



Note: when you’re using these oils, it’s really important that you use a carrier oil, especially if you haven’t used oils before and you don’t know how you’re going to react to them.

Also when you’re using any kind of citrus oil, make sure that you’re not exposed to direct sunlight for like 12 hours afterward. This is because it can cause your skin to burn because they’re citrus oils. So we definitely want to make sure that we’re using a carrier oil to make sure that it’s not directly on the skin or have a reaction to that when you’re applying it topically.

Carrier oils can be anything from fractionated coconut oil to extra virgin oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil works well, too.

Another critical thing to take note is that the oils need to be 100% therapeutic grade. They need to be tested, they need to be organic. I don’t just buy oils from anyone. If you want to know my favorite essential oil company, shoot me a message.

What have you found to help you as far as essential oils for cellulite? Share with me!


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