Embracing the New Season & Loving it!

Embracing the New Season and Loving it

Are you embracing the new season in your life and not only embracing but loving it?

So I recently went on a weekend retreat with about 32 other ladies:) We went to do some business training but also infused a lot of fun throughout the whole event.

We had a guest speaker who was brought in for a day and half by our business partner! He was only 20 years old but had a profound testimony on how God had transformed his life and then gifted him to heal and help others. Now you may not be of my faith or you may not believe like I do but when you witness a healing as I did this weekend it just blows your mind, deepens your faith and makes everyone cry! He did some group sessions and really cleared a lot of blocks that our group was dealing with so we could receive openly and fully! We had some yoga instructors and a couple of body work team members to show us how to keep the body and bones healthy. I learned so much it was almost like a brain over load but in a very good way.

I was rooming with Dr. Tracy who loved to keep the room at like 62 degrees. I slept without any flashes at all!! I usually have one going to sleep and one waking, but not this weekend:) I was totally cool with the temp!! The retreat was in Ellicott City, MD and part of a church:) The grounds were beautiful and it was oh so quiet up there. The staff was just so accommodating and all volunteers, how about that! Beautiful people and they just kept checking in on us to make sure everything was good or to see if we needed anything!

I did have to drink a cup of coffee that last day because I was feeling tired and I knew I had to drive myself home. Whew, I could have run 1000 miles after that…LOL

When I got home my hubby was so happy to see me:) My husband adores me after 35 years together:) He hugged and kissed me…the rest is X-rated..hehe! Then I started to just fade into the big leather couch.

The next day I was still feeling like jet lag but much better! I learned a ton of awesome training from those who are already successful but humble and give back!! I also just loved the energy healing and the feeling of lightness I received from letting go of some garbage. I am learning to receive. It’s totally new for me to just receive and not give back. Spencer said this profound word from a 20 yr old, “Women especially don’t think they are worth being pampered. God made you especially for being loved like Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Take time to refresh your mind, body, and soul. You are so important and vital to your husband and family. YOU MATTER!”

That really hit me that I need to do healthy boundaries, get myself pampered, which will be different for each of us, and stay healthy. I love my journey, my new path, my new voice, and my new season! I am learning to embrace life and all it has for me. God made me and you for GREATNESS! Are you living out your greatness?



You can find me at www.susanorehowsky.com or via email at susano @ livinglifeholistic .com and if you go to my website sign up to receive my free e-book chapter from my newly released book!


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