scale-403585_640Are you looking for a quick fix when it comes to losing weight? Unfortunately, there are no magic pills or wands!  How about the 500 calorie diets — skipping meals, only eating salads, avoiding carbohydrates — that will not guarantee losing weight or more importantly keeping off the weight. It’s a process that will require you to recognize your weaknesses, forget those fad diets, and start making lifestyle and dietary changes today.  Your life depends on it!

Having more fat in your midsection — a waist circumference of more than 35 inches for women and more than 40 inches for men — can significantly increase your risk for metabolic syndrome, a group of factors that heighten your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  It’s because fat around your middle can lead to inflammation in the body, and inflammation increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.  Losing just 10 percent of your weight can significantly lower your cholesterol and help improve blood sugar levels. It can also improve your blood pressure.

Your ultimate weight-loss goal should be your health.  When you make strides toward a healthy weight, you’ll feel better physically and emotionally, have a better chance of avoiding disease, and even living longer.  Is there any down side to losing weight? NO!

I work with women in all phases of menopause with a more natural approach for minimal side effects.  I specialize in homeopathic weight loss.  You can find me at

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